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(c) 2008 All rights reserved

"On the bias" is a sewing term for cutting fabric on the diagonal. Here, I explore the idea that we can end up in the same place by taking very different paths. I was also exploring motherhood , stability and unpredictability. The legs are set on the diagonal. The tenons are angled. Each leg comes from the outside center and then just before meeting in the middle splays open and out into a curved pinwheel.

To make a piece of art you have to have some type of framework. Some limiting factor. Something to argue against and bump into. For me, sometimes, that stop or fence is function. Making a piece to serve a certain function immediately inserts the drama needed to make art.
The buddha bowl stand is a perfect example of this. The bowl is large , heavy and shallow and had to be held on edge.The bowl is 24 inches in diameter and about 6 inches deep. It is smooth clear glass with a pattern of tiny gold leaf buddhas radiating out from the center like a sun. It is a thick, heavy piece of glass but it looks airy and light. It looks like it should be floating.
George Bucquet makes contemporary hand formed hot cast glass. His pieces appear to give off light. As I looked at the bowl I wanted to know why he had made it so I asked him. To read more click here
To see more go here Buddha Bowl Gallery

Making large pieces offers a large canvas for design.

Adding wood to an iron table design creates warmth and interest. I have enjoyed working with Whitethorn Hardwoods to blend these two materials into beautiful tables.

I live and work in Ettersburg, California. Three miles from the nearest power pole, my shop is 'off the grid'. Everything is run using solar power, a small pelton wheel for hydro power and a back up generator.

A mirror is a reflection of ourselves. When I make a mirror I try to consider the person who will look into this magical glass and how the vessel of the reflection will make the person feel.

When making a chandelier I know I have succeeded if the finished chandelier appears to be floating in the air.

After experimenting with dovetail joinery I made this table. It comes apart like a puzzle. Click here to see more

Every piece boils down to the details. My goal is to insure that each part of every piece could stand alone as beautiful and interesting.
When a machine makes a part it does not smell the metal as it changes color. It does not feel the heat or become fascinated by the shapes as it changes the metal from one form to another. There are two sides to this for me. There is the practical blacksmith who makes things that are useful. And then there is how it makes me feel.